The Monologue Series-Vase

Design by Zhou Wenjun

The Monologue Series-Vase is a unique and innovative design that combines soft aesthetics with the strength of stainless steel.

Zhou Wenjun, the designer behind this remarkable creation, utilized 3D digital models and manual sculpture techniques to bring this vase to life. The process involved printing resin models in 3D form, partitioning and enlarging them, and using them as a basis for creating the stainless steel parts. The different steel components were then welded together, and the welding lines were carefully smoothed away, resulting in a seamless and integral design.

What sets The Monologue Series-Vase apart is its ability to create the illusion of softness despite being made entirely of steel. The brushed matt finishes on all the steel sculptures, except for the mirror parts, prevent mass reflection and fingerprints, further enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal.

This design showcases the versatility of stainless steel as a material, transforming it into a flowing and elegant vase. The combination of 3D printing and manual sculpture techniques allows for intricate details and a seamless finish, making The Monologue Series-Vase a truly unique piece of art.

The Monologue Series-Vase was created in China in 2015 by Zhou Wenjun, the Design Director of 524studio. This design project required meticulous research and creative problem-solving to achieve the desired soft appearance while working with the rigid nature of stainless steel.

The Monologue Series-Vase was recognized for its excellence and innovation, receiving the Iron A' Design Award in 2016 in the category of 3D Printed Forms and Products Design. This prestigious award honors designs that are well-designed, practical, and innovative, meeting professional and industrial requirements. The Monologue Series-Vase stands out for its integration of industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, contributing to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: ZHOU Wenjun
Image Credits: Photographer:ZHOU Wenjun
Project Team Members: ZHOU Wenjun, Design Director
Project Name: The Monologue Series- Vase
Project Client: ZHOU Wenjun

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